Puzzles: Lessons in Our Origins

Hey! So, long time no talk! Nothing really has been going on over here...seriously. The sky is blue, the Earth is round, and I am just as clueless as ever, but I'm still loving it. That reminds me: Has it ever occurred to you how much (or how little) we actually know about what's going on in our lives and around us? I mean, seriously! We have the beautiful Internet, high-speed phones, and good, old-fashioned speech, and yet nobody on Earth knows every little thing going on at that very second in time. It blows my mind.

Ok, think about this. Take a single moment in time and pause it. Now dissect it in your mind. What time is it here? What time is it in the next time zone? What time is it on the other side of the world? While you are over here, eating breakfast and wiping away eye boogers, there's someone on the other side of the world fast asleep dreaming of who knows what. And don't forget those people in between. There are people walking, talking, napping, eating, studying, crying, laughing, reading, waiting, going, yelling, soothing, living, dying, healing, hurting, and yes, as strange as it is, even pooping. At this very moment, all of those things are happening someplace here on Earth, and not one person can tell you exactly what so-and-so is doing this very moment...at least no one we can see.

There is God. Now we can argue for the absence or presence of God for hours and get nowhere. Truthfully, I can't make you believe in Him at all, not even his message. But think about this...for all those evolutionists out there. How easy is it to put together a 100 piece jig-saw puzzle? Not too hard, it takes a little time, but you can get it. What about 1,000 pieces? A little harder, but still doable? One million? One billion? We still haven't even touched the number of cells in a SINGLE HUMAN!

Now think about doing that 1,000,000-piece puzzle with no picture and no way of knowing the final result...nearly impossible. Now create your own puzzle from scratch. One that fits seamlessly together. It has to make sense. There can be no pieces missing. It has to have a big picture. I know I couldn't do that, not on my own. And there is no way it "just happened." Puzzles are made. Anything of complexity has to be created by someone. Puzzles don't finish themselves. And what is more complex than the universe? You have the universe made up of galaxies made up of solar systems made up of stars and planets, and some (at least one) of these planets have life and that life is made up of millions of species made up of trillions of individuals and we are each Homo sapiens each made up of different kinds of parts like a brain and muscles and organs each made up of tissues made of cells made of organelles and proteins and carbs and lipids and DNA made of molecules made of atoms made of electrons and protons and neutrons and other subatomic materials, all tied together, perfectly balanced so that the slightest change in pressure or temperature or pH or concentration or distance or time or volume or whatever would throw off the balance and destroy the status quo...and I happen to like the status quo.

So, for all you out there who say there is no God, I'm not going to argue. Look at creation if you don't believe me. Never believe me, if that suits you. But I'm called to point out the obvious. So look at a tree, your pet, your loved one, the stars. Look at anything, really! All I have to say is at least look in the mirror and you can see His image, right there down to the atomic level.

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